Nymphaea 'Scartlet Flame'
Nymphaea ‘Scartlet Flame’
Nymphaea ‘Scartlet Flame’ is a waterlily created by Florida Aquatic Nurseries.
Here is their description…
Nymphaea ‘Scarlet Flame’ was awarded the Best New Tropical Waterlily for 2011 by the International Waterlily and Water Garden Society. When we hybridized Nymphaea ‘Scarlet Flame’ several years ago, we could tell that it was going to be an excellent plant even from a young stage. Its first flowers demonstrated that the petal count was going to be extremely high in this plant, and it has been exciting to watch it mature and divide. Nymphaea‘Scarlet Flame’ is one of our exceptional new tropical waterlily hybrids with a scarlet red flower and green pads. The most striking feature of this plant is its bright red flower with the number of petals and shape making it resemble a zinnia flower. The closest comparison would be Nymphaea ‘King of Siam’, a tropical waterlily with a high number of petals in its purple flower. Nymphaea ‘Scarlet Flame’ will be a stand out in any pond or water garden.