Nymphaea 'Reta Sage'
Nymphaea ‘Reta Sage’
Nymphaea ‘Reta Sage’ is a tropical lily that is a free flowering plant producing infertile many petaled large tall rose flowers, totally round richly mottled leaves. It was created by Ken Landon. It’s date of origin is 2004. It is named for Reta Sage, a good friend of Ken’s and a longtime supporter of the International Waterlily Collection. It’s parentage is Nymphaea ‘Mindy Lynn’ x Nymphaea flavo-virens.

Here is the lady who helped Ken start his project in the Civic League Park 20 years ago. She has been a great friend and supporter throughout all of this time. She was honored with this lily being presented to her as registered in her name at the 2008 Lily Fest.

LoReta “Reta” Binion Sage, of Fort Stockton, passed away Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016, in Bedford, Texas, at the age of 85
Her contributions, energy, drive, stamina and sheer willpower will surely be missed by Ken and the IWC.
Kens comment on her passing were as follows…
She was there from the beginning. Stalwart, True and Driven. The BEST friend and supporter one could ever have. She will be missed but never forgotten. God Bless You Reta Sage! Her namesake waterlily and Memoriam will be on display throughout the year at the International Waterlily Collection, San Angelo, Texas.