Nymphaea minuta Research Data
Nymphaea minuta
Research Data
Here is a link to the Research Paper covering the discovery of the Nymphaea minuta as a new species. It is copyrighted by the 3 principal authors, this site and SIDA.
Nymphaea minuta species article in pdf format
This publication is posted here with the permission of SIDA and shall not be linked to or posted elsewhere without specific permission by the authors and SIDA.

The Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, formerly called SIDA, Contributions to Botany,publishes research in classical and modern systematic botany—including studies of anatomy, biogeography, chemotaxonomy, ecology, evolution, floristics, genetics, paleobotany, palynology, and phylogenetic systematics. Geographic coverage is global. Articles are published in either English or Spanish; an abstract is provided in both languages. All contributions are peer reviewed and frequently illustrated with maps, line drawings, and full color photographs.
SIDA now known as BRIT Press is located here.
Original research pictures of Nymphaea minuta as taken by Richard A. Edwards from January 2005 through August 2006.
See Nymphaea minuta. A new species that will change the waterlily industry in the coming years. It is a pygmy lily. It will grow and thrive in shade. Most importantly it is passing these characteristics into new crosses that are enabling new never before seen small lilies. People who do not have room for any size pond will be able to grow a waterlily in a tub container with ease in the near future.
These images are all Copyrighted by Richard A. Edwards and this site. All photos resized for site but otherwise untouched for the sake of historical authenticity.
Do not link to or publish these photos elsewhere.