Nymphaea 'Clyde Ikins'
Nymphaea ‘Clyde Ikins’
Nymphaea ‘Clyde Ikins’ is a hardy waterlily. It was created by Dr. Kirk Strawn. It’s date of publication is 1996. It has petals that are creamy yellow with a hint of pink, shading to light yellow apricot at inner petals. It has large 4 to 6 inch blooms with 34 to 36 petals and it is a great blooming waterlily. It has medium green 6 to 8 inch pads on top while newer leaves are more olive with a hint of mottling. The plant has a spread of 6 to 8 feet. It should be noted that it is considered one of the best Strawn hybrids and has a strong fragrance.
The following is a story heard by many throughout the years.
Clyde loved to talk about Clyde. That is, Clyde Ikins loved to talk about Nymphaea ‘Clyde Ikins’. If it had not been for Clyde’s visit to Strawn Water Gardens in College Station, the plant Clyde would never have made it.
Clyde loved to tell the story about one day when he had gone to College Station to visit his good friend, Dr. Kirk Strawn. Kirk was showing him around the place, including the latest plants in his ongoing hybridization efforts. Kirk pointed to one plant that he had discarded, saying that he was throwing it out; he did not like it.Clyde replied that he thought that the flower was pretty, and that Kirk should keep the plant. Kirk said he not only would keep the plant, but that he would name it after Clyde. Thanks to that visit and Clyde’s chance comment, today we enjoy the very popular Nymphaea ‘Clyde Ikins’!
Not only has it thrived, it is one of the Texas Superstar plants named by the Texas A. & M. Agriculture Program.