LilyFest 2018 News & Updates
LilyFest 2018
This year LilyFest was held in conjunction with the IWGS Symposium.
It was our 14th Annual LilyFest.
It was the IWGS 33rd Annual Symposium.
It was Ken Landon’s 30th Anniversary of displaying waterlilies at Civic League Park in San Angelo.

We had over 600 hundred varieties of waterlilies, Victoria and assorted aquatic plants like taro, papyrus etc.
Ken put on a magnificent fireworks display Friday night and we had night time viewing of the Collection with night blooming waterlilies from the Subgenus Lotos and the all three plants of the genus Victoria.
We had a great LilyFest event on Saturday with new waterlily introductions dedicated to some special people and of course Ken’s tour. If those things had not been enough, Ken followed it all up with a once in a lifetime pool event for the IWGS members on Sunday morning.
LilyFest 2018 Photographs
Pre – LilyFest 2018 Photographs
IWGS Friday Night Fireworks Photographs
Ken Landon once again put on a fantastic fireworks display for the members of the IWGS who had come from across the globe to see the IWC in all of its glory. This was just one more event that put the IWC at the top of any other aquatic display.
The only other time Ken has done this was for the previous time the IWGS visited in 2010.
IWGS 33rd Annual Symposium Night Time Event Photographs
Ken went all out for this night time viewing experience.
We had Tiki Torches with the normal orange fire in the main basin.
We had Tiki Torches with Ken’s own special liquid concoction that burned a vivid green flame in pools tow and six.
We had Chinese Lanterns throughout pools three and four.
We had accent lights over the night blooming waterlilies in pools one, four and six.
We had LED dragonfly lights scattered throughout pools one and six.
Finally we had three blooming Victoria blooms that night to intoxicate the guests with fragrance and beauty.
IWGS In the Pools Event Photographs
This was truly a once in a lifetime event for members of the IWGS.
Only a handful of people have ever been given the privilege of getting into the IWC pools to photograph the waterlilies and Victoria blooms up close and very personal.
As a special incentive to those who paid to come from around the world and paid the Symposium fees, members were allowed to get into the pools to take all of the photos they wanted.
This is not likely to ever happen again so it was very special.
Rolf Nelson pitched the idea and Ken agreed to allow it.
All of the folks who elected to stay an extra day and be involved with this were appreciative and very respectful.
It was as described above, a Once In A Lifetime Event that they can cherish as a phenomenal memory.
Preparing for LilyFest 2018 Information
Planning for LilyFest 2018
LilyFest 2018 will be held on Saturday September the 15th, 2018.
The event will be held from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.
There will be tours, seminars, food and entertainment on site as well.
This year we will have our friends from the IWGS here again for their annual Symposium in conjunction with LilyFest.
You will see more waterlilies on display in San Angelo than at any other Botanical Garden anywhere in the USA.
For enthusiasts, hobbyists, those who hybridize, photographers and videographers it is a must see event.