LilyFest 2017 News & Updates
Preparaing for LilyFest 2017 Information
Planning for LilyFest 2017
LilyFest 2017 will be held on Saturday September the 23rd, 2017.
The event will be held from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.
There will be tours, seminars, a plant sale, food and entertainment on site as well.
You will see more waterlilies on display in San Angelo than at any other Botanical Garden anywhere in the USA.
For enthusiasts, hobbyists, those who hybridize, photographers and videographers it is a must see event.

Facebook Live Video update on the IWC on May 31st, 2017 from in the main basin. I said March 31st at the beginning of the video but it was May the 31st. Just chalk that error up to “Chemo Brain” – my chemotherapy can produce some nasty side effects but at least this kind I can have hair even if it has turned white.
Facebook Live Video update on the IWC on May 31st, 2017 just before the rain began.
Facebook Live Video update on the IWC on March 31st, 2017.