LilyFest 2013
LilyFest 2013
This LilyFest was the one with the best weather in several years on the day of the event. It was sunny and bright, the humidity was pleasant for San Angelo at about 45% and the temp during LilyFest was between 68 and 75 degrees. We have had several years where the drought encumbered city has gotten significant rainfall on the day of the event.
We had a great turnout as you can see below in the many pictures of the people and the event. The online judging for our New Waterlily Competition was also announced at LilyFest. Below is a picture showing a collage of all of the entries.

Here was the announcement on Facebook…
“I would like to update everyone on some information about the “OUTSTANDING” contest entries from this year. Although we are going into winter time we do want to let you know that all of these contest entries from this year will be on display at the collection when in warms back up in the spring of 2014. Ken has pulled almost all of them to protected environments at this point but the Master Hybridizers who created these amazing plants have been kind enough to let us show them again next season.”

Here are some Panoramas of the Event
Here is video of Mike Giles ISG’s taken a few weeks before LilyFest in 2013