LilyFest 2012
LilyFest 2012
This was the announcement for LilyFest and the WWALA Conference back in 2012.
Officially announcing the 2012 World Waterlily And Lotus Association conference in Austin – San Angelo, Texas for Sept 13, 14, 15, and 16, 2012. Hotel Reservations and sign ups can be made by contacting Executive Director Larry Nau for details
In conjunction with IWC LilyFest, enjoy over 300 waterlilies over the 4 days at our multiple locations including the new lilies on display at the International Waterlily Collection. Great list of speakers and destinations. 1st year ever with small tours through the new display of ISGs (Hardy Blues, Reds, Purples, and Pinks) by Hybriizer Mike Giles. New waterlilies from many other hybridizers.
Over 60 Hardy x Tropical Intersubgeneric (ISG’s) Waterlily Crosses – Purple, Pink, Red, and Blue. At least 3 Anecphya x Brachyceras Intersubgeneric (ISG’s) Crosses on display. New waterlilies from Australia, Rare waterlilies from Japan,

Waterlily Competition with entries from around the world, New hybrids from Ken Landon created through hybridization in fall of 2010 and displayed for the first time in 2012.
Austin Pond Society is preparing some special stops in one of the best cities in the world with some exclusive tours and destinations. New Waterlily species just added to the collection. The 2012 Conference will begin and end in Austin, Texas.
Video taken a few days before LilyFest in 2012 of the collection from Park street view.
September 26, 2012
Video taken a few days before LilyFest in 2012 of the collection from Pecos street view.