LilyFest 2009
LilyFest 2009
Our fifth annual International Waterlily Collection Celebration was held on Saturday September 12th, 2009 at Civic League Park in San Angelo, Texas from 9 a.m. until noon.
LilyFest was hosted by San Angelo’s Park & Recreation Service Area, the Council of Garden Clubs, the Tom Green County Master Gardeners, Keep San Angelo Beautiful, and supporters of the International Waterlily Collection. The event celebrates San Angelo’s unique, important, and beautiful asset – the International Waterlily Collection (an IWGS Certified Nymphaea Collection).

LilyFest activities included a tour of the Collection by Ken Landon.
Water gardening and landscape experts were on hand to answer questions, plus vendors catering to horticulture and backyard water gardening had tables set up with materials. There were a number of vendors selling pictures, giving out educational material and generally aiding all in having a good time. There were the usual members of retail establishments on hand in tribute to what a wonderful place Ken has created. The IWGS had board members on hand to enjoy the event and finalize plans for holding LilyFest 2010 in conjunction with their annual symposium.
Well the turnout was dampened in more ways than one by the weather. Last year there were about 250 in attendance. This year it was closer to 75 it looks like from going through the pictures. Those who braved the weather saw some cool new stuff and really enjoyed the event. There were snacks provided by the Council of Garden Clubs. We had quite a few door prizes that were given out as well. Dr. Chase who is a longtime supporter of Ken’s work was honored with a waterlily that Ken had created to honor him. There were a few council members from the city on hand as well as Carl White from the City Parks Department and his hard working staff. The event could easily have been called a rain out but the perseverance of everyone involved meant the show would go on. It was a fun time despite the weather because you know the lilies grow in water so they did not care and were still putting on a good show despite the circumstances. We were the lead news story of the day as well.
One thing that must be mentioned is that the positive buzz created by the still good turnout for LilyFest on that stormy Saturday caused tour after tour by Ken over the next several weeks even into October and it’s first cold blasts. We probably had about 75 attendees during the great flood. However, Ken has been doing tours sometimes more than twice a day and has had over 400 guests in the two weeks since the official day of LilyFest. Ken said this has been the most amazing year for visitor’s that he can ever remember and that it just humbles him at the responses he gets from guests from all over the world. He said that in spite of any event or action, he would continue to make this a showplace and that next year for 2010… well let’s just say that we are already calling it the display of the century. We are working diligently to get material that many have never seen and some of Ken’s hybrids that have been held in reserve until now. We promise you that rain or shine, you will kick yourself if you miss LilyFest 2010 because it will be hard to surpass it ever again.